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Helpful Resources

Connecting you with the help you need, when you need it most. 

Help looks different for everyone. Whether you need help finding a physical resource such as a food bank, or if you want to connect with a help line, we understand that it can be hard to know where to start sometimes. 

We've compiled a list of some amazing local and national resources that can help. If you need some help connecting with them, let us know - we are happy to help you! 

Help Lines

Support and crisis lines available statewide 

Adults Surviving Child Abuse (ASCA) – counselling and support for adults affected by childhood trauma – 1300 657 380

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) – Providing support to people with a drinking problem – 9529 5948

Alcohol & Drug ASCO – Support for people with alcohol & drug abuse who have already entered the justice system – 1300 022 760

ARAFEMI Carer Helpline - Support for people affected by mental illness - 1300 550 265

AskIzzy - Connecting people in crisis with nearby services and support - online only -

Beyond Blue - Support for depression, anxiety and related disorders - 1300 224 636

Bravehearts – Support for children who are victims of sexual assault – 1800 272 831

Bush Support Line - Support for people in remote or rural areas - 1800 805 391

Child Protection Emergency Service – To report concerns regarding the immediate safety of a child – 13 12 78

DirectLine - For anyone impacted by substance use - 1300 888 236

Dolly's Dream - Supporting young people and families experiencing bullying, anxiety, depression and youth suicide - 0488 881 033

Elder Abuse Helpline - Anyone experiencing/witnessing/suspecting someone elderly being abused - 1800 353 374

Emergency Services - Police, Fire and Ambulance - 000

Family Drug Help - For families impacted by drug use - 1300 660 068

Family Planning Victoria – Offering information and resources on sexual health and safety for people with disability, youth, and people planning to start a family – 03 9257 0100

Family Violence Hotline – Counselling for people impacted by sexual assault, family and domestic violence – 1800 737 732

Friends For Good – For support against loneliness - 9434 7770

Gambling Helpline - For support with gambling - 1800 858 858

Griefline - Support for anyone experiencing loss and grief - 1300 845 745

GROW – Community-based support organisation helping people recover from mental ill-health – 1800 558 268

Headspace - Support for youth aged from 12 - 25 years old - 1800 650 890

Head to Health – Connecting people to mental health support options - 1800 595 212

Kids HelpLine - Counselling for youth aged from 5 - 25 years old - 1800 551 800

Legal Aid Victoria – Providing free legal information and advice to Victorians – 1300 792 387

Lifeline - Crisis support, suicide intervention and mental health support - 13 11 14

Living Well – Counselling and support for men & their partners who are victims of sexual abuse or sexual assault – 07 3636 5206

Mensline - Support for men dealing with relationship issues - 1300 789 978

Men’s Referral Service – Counselling, advice and support for men who have anger, relationship or parenting issues, and support for women who are experiencing violence and controlling behaviour by men – 1300 766 491

Mental Health Crisis Helpline – Connecting people experiencing acute mental health issues to support – 1300 369 012

National Debt Helpline - For support to get back on track by negotiating payment plans for debt, utilities, and more - 1800 007 007

Nurse On Call - Health advice from a nurse - 1300 606 024

Health Direct – For information on where to find help in your local area, or to be connected to a GP – 1800 022 222

OCD and Anxiety Helpline - Support for OCD, anxiety and depression - 1300 269 438 / 9830 0533

PANDA - Support for post or ante natal depression - 1300 726 306

Parentline - Support for parents and carers with children aged from birth to 18 years old - 13 22 89

Safe Steps - Family Violence Support - 1800 015 188

SANE - Support for anyone affected by complex mental health issues - 1800 187 263

Sexual Assault Crisis Line Victoria - Support for survivors of sexual assault, historic and recent - 1800 806 292

Statewide Homeless Assistance – For anyone experiencing homelessness or at risk of being homeless – 1800 825 955

Suicide Call Back - 24 hour crisis support and counselling - 1300 659 467

SuicideLine VIC - For people affected by suicide - 1300 651 251

Translating & Interpreting Service (TIS) – Providing access to phone and on-site interpreting services in over 150 languages - 13 14 50

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